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FAQ general

Frequently Asked Questions

Below is an overview of the most frequently asked general questions about the Elfstedentocht, the Royal Association De Friesche Elf Steden, and related matters. Convenient for a quick and adequate answer to your question. If your question is not listed, you can email info@defriescheelfsteden.nl.


When is the Association available by phone?
When do the rayonmanagers meet?
If the Elfstedentocht takes place this year can I participate?
Can I request a replacement Elfstedentocht medal if lost? I am willing to pay
Where can I find information about adding a tile to the "Tegeltjesbrug" (Tile Bridge)?
Graag wil ik de plaats van mijn tegeltje op de tegeltjesbrug weten. Waar vind ik de coördinaten?
What do I need to obtain an Elfstedentocht certificate?
Why don’t I see my start and registration details on my personal login page?
I am currently on the waiting list, is there a chance to participate in the Elfstedentocht upcoming winter?
I am not a member of the Association, but I would like to become a donor. How can I do that?
Can people with a foreign nationality skate the Elfstedentocht?
I was asked to sign a skating skills declaration but lost my membership card. What should I do?
How often is a member allowed to sign a skating proficiency declaration?
May a non-riding member also sign a skating proficiency declaration?
How can I become a member?
Can I get contact details of current members for a proficiency declaration?
When will it be announced that the Elfstedentocht will take place?
What are the starting times?
When was the last Elfstedentocht?
Why isn’t the event held over multiple days?
Does the Elfstedentocht have sponsors?
How many members does the Association have?
Can I support a participant by physically following them along the route?
I am a national marathon skater, can I participate in the Elfstedentocht race?
I finished in Leeuwarden within the allowed time. What happens next?
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