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Frequently Asked Questions
Here you will find an overview of the most frequently asked questions about membership of the Royal Association De Friesche Elf Steden and all related matters. This is useful for a quick and adequate answer to your question. If your question is not listed, you can email us at info@defriescheelfsteden.nl.
How can I become a member?
I am an active member but would like to become a non-active member. How can I do this?
I don't know any members of your Association. Can you provide me with the details of 2 members?
How do I stop my membership?
I am currently on the waiting list, is there a chance to participate in the Elfstedentocht upcoming winter?
I am unable to log in to the website with my membership number. What should I do?
Kan ik mijn wachtwoord zelf wijzigen?
Can I change my password?
When is the general members’ meeting held?
How do I report a change of address?
I have lost my membership card, and I am an active member. What should I do?
I did not receive my membership card. What should I do?
When will the membership card be send?
This year I became a member of your Association and am on the waiting list. When will I become a riding member?
I live abroad and would like to set up a direct debit. Is that possible?
The membership fee has not been deducted from my account this year, and I have not received any notification. What should I do?
I have provided a direct debit authorisation and am wondering when the membership fee will be deducted?
I am currently on the waiting list, is there a chance to participate in the Elfstedentocht upcoming winter?
Why don’t I see my start and registration details on my personal login page?
Can you tell me what my start time is?
The person I would like to skate the Elfstedentocht with is in a different group. Can we be placed in the same group?
I am in one of the last start groups. Can I start earlier?
I know someone who is allowed to start, but he/she will not use the start right. Can I use his/her card?
I live abroad and will probably not be able to pick up my start card myself. Can I have someone else pick it up for me?
I am a riding member, but I will not be able to participate in the Elfstedentocht this winter. Can I transfer my card to someone else?
Can people with a foreign nationality skate the Elfstedentocht?
When do I get the Elfstedentocht medal?